Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pretty good week so far..

All in all it has been a pretty good week so far. We are back on track with normals thanks to a new updated timetable-that offers lots of science and make and do for sam and written work to satisfy me. He had lots of fun with latin this morning-we had to make up sentences describing people we knew. thankfully they were all nice descriptive words-like clever and pretty. He really enjoys languages and math-he must have a very ordered mind.

There have been three highlights of the week for the young master-the first was receiving a treckker microscope from my aunt. It is a hand held field microscope and is very cool. He has spent the last few days collecting things to look at. The website is I can really recomend the microscope-just don't take it out on a walk if you are in a hurry to get somewhere-chances are your journey will take twice as long!!

The second exciting thing from sam's pov was the grand openning of starbucks in the shopping center that is 5 minutes walk from us. It openned on monday and he insisted that we be there at 8, just incase they were giving away free muffins. He didn't have to twist my arm too hard it has to be said. While they weren't giving away free muffins we did get our whole order free (including a bag of ground coffee and a newspaper) because the chip and pin machines weren't working yet!!! The manager was very apologetic and insisted on giving us the order. What a way to start a monday!

The day only got better too as the third highlight of the week was getting together with all the boys. As usual it was complete bedlam but a good time was had by all. We haven't seem much of them over the summer and now I don't expect we will get to see anyone until half term. A is the exception to this as he is now home educated much to sam's delight.

Yesterday was sam's first swimming lesson of the term. He has to wear a yellow swimming cap which pleases him not at all but I expect he will soon get used to it. He seemed to enjoy himself and I chatted to one of the other moms so it looks promising.


Anonymous said...

Good for you, glad that you have had a good week. We are in Natural Bridge Virginia, just 200 miles from final destination in DC. Will be there Thursday afteroon. Hope the rest of your week goes well for you guys.

Stella said...

The microscope looks cool!