Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Don't you just love..

warm sunny mornings in a quiet house with a nice big glass of fresh juice. It makes the day seem so full of hope and promise and sets you up to feel good all day, no matter how things pan out. Sam is upstairs completely zonked out due to the heat and the excitement of yesterday. I am sure he will be up soon-he never sleeps very late.

Yesterday was a fun day that ended with a bit of excitement we could have done without. We met up with Sarah and her girls at Twin Lakes (www.twinlakesparks.co.uk) it is a small theme park about 15 miles from here. Apart from not offering one jot of shade it was fantastic. There were rides, playground and two big indoor play centers. It wasn't very crowded so we didn't have to wait in line anywhere. The kids had so much fun they were all in tears at having to leave. We managed to last all day but we were all extremely hot and sticky by the time we left. Sam drank so much water I was sure he was going to turn into a fountain.
The excitement didn't stop when we left the park-the clutch cable snapped on our drive home, luckily I managed to pull into a gravel quarry where we awaited the arrival of the RAC. M, my knight in shining armour arrived first bringing a nice air conditioned car for us to sit in while we waited. The RAC towed us home and this morning I need to sort out getting the jeep to our mechanic. Hopefully it is just the cable and nothing more drastic. We are stuck at home until it is mended but that is fine, we can do some work and play in the sprinkler.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your car, hope it is fixed soon and doesn't cost an arm & a leg. Leaving tomorrow for Cheyenne and Frontier Days, Yippee.

sam said...

thank you-our mechanic can' fit us in until next week so we won't know until then. drive safely and have fun.