Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Happy Thoughts Needed

Please think happy thoughts and get well vibes for our cat marquesa. She is in the pet hospital with a blocked gall bladder and not doing very well. We are keeping our fingers crossed that she makes a full recovery and that the blockage isn't cancerous.

The other two patients in the house are doing better. My conjunctiviitus has cleared up and sam's cold is getting better. We had a lovely snuggly day on the sofa yesterday reading and looking at books. We are reading Dr. Doolittle at the moment and he is hanging on every word. Will have to see if I can find the movie at the library and then we can see how the two compare. Despite his cold he is getting to grips with telling time. He has two watches-one of which has a normal face and the other shows the minutes past and two rather than a usual clock face. I am not sure that that is helpful really, it only seems to confuse him and I know it does me too!
We did a really great thanksgiving lap book last week which I must post photos of. He worked really hard on it and seemed to enjoy finding out all the info to go in the book. Not sure what we should do as our next one, maybe something about christmas around the world or winter holidays. We could do hannaka (sp), and kwaza (sp) as well as christmas.
He is very into drawing at the moment-he spent ages the other day doing stuff out of the Usborne how to draw trucks and tractors book. it is good but not as good as the drawn write now books. Must get one of the series to try and help him. My artistic skills are nill, despite the fact that my mother was a fantastic artist. would also like to try and find someone to help us with our origami as he loves doing it but again my skills are very limited.

We went to visit family friends today. When my father was stationed here we rented the cottage on their farm and we have been friends ever since. it was lovely to see them and we took sam over to see the cottage that we used to live in. It has changed a great deal but apart from the color of the walls, my room is just the same. Sam was very excited at seeing my old room and kept asking where my bed was and where were my old toys! Being in the house brought back so many memories. Some of the roses that my mother planted 26 years ago are still there. I like that, it makes me feel that a tangible part of her is still here. They were her pride and joy those roses. Perhaps next time I go I will ask for a cutting to see if i grow a plant from one of hers.


HelenHaricot said...

hugs about cat
moving thoughts about mothers roses. maybe growing cutting might be tricky, but grafting might work?

dawniy. said...

hope your cat is lots better soon , lots of positive vibes and sympathy :)

HelenHaricot said...

how is your cat??

Jax Blunt said...

only just passing by - hopeall is improving for you.