Monday, March 30, 2009

Doubly blessed

On Thursday last week Sam received not one but two Blue Peter Badges in the mail. For everyone back home Blue Peter is children's television show on the BBC that has now been on air for 50 years and in a magazine format with young and trendy presenters. It is on twice a week and each show features a variety of things for children to make and do as well as showing the presenters getting up to fun challenges and adventures. They also have annual appeals where the children help to raise money for a deserving charity that usually has links with children. it is held in even higher esteem here than Sesame Street is back home. Here is a clip.

Anyway, children who write in to the show or send in pictures or help out in the community are awarded with Blue Peter badges. Sam has coveted them for a long while and after one to false starts finally produced a drawing of all the current presenters and pets for the show's 50th birthday. (Silly mom forgot to take a pic before we sent it off!) We duly sent if off to the show, not expecting to hear anything back. Low and behold waiting on the doormat when we got back from the boat was a letter from the show with an ordinary Blue Peter badge as a well as a special limited edition 50th anniversary badge. (Will post a pic of sam wearing them), to say that sam was excited was an understatement. I bet that the whole of the village heard his shrieks of delight. He has worn them everyday with pride and tells everyone he meets about them. As a badge holder he gets in free to lots of attractions and is already plotting where to visit.

The Blue Peter Badges have been the highlight of our last week. We have spent a lot of it on the boat, hence the lack of blogging. Now the weather is getting better it is glorious to be on the boat basking in the sunshine. We now have fishing rods on board and the boys are planning to do a little fishing when it gets a bit warmer. The ducks are getting very friendly and one particular couple swim by each meal time begging for crumbs. Mrs. Duck has even been known to climb up into the open kitchen hatch in search of bread. Luckily I spotted her before Rogue did or otherwise Mr. Duck would have been short a wife!


Dad said...

Congratulations Sam, good job, I am proud of you, keep up the good work, OK

MK said...

Way to go Sam!

Elizabeth (My Reading World) said...

I can't believe you forgot to take a photo! I thought only I would do something like that! ;)

But well done to Sam!

Elizabeth (My Reading World) said...

Almost a month since the last blog--hope all is ok!

sam said...

still here but blogging has gone a bit haywire with all the toing and froing to the boat. hope to have a chance this morning for a catch up blog.