Friday, June 06, 2008

The rain in spain..

had better fall on the plain and not barcelona as we are off there shortly. Matt had vacation time to use up and we thought we would get our family vacation in now before the schools get out for summer. He went to a conference there a couple of year ago and liked what he saw so we are off there shortly. We are all looking forward to it, from what we have read it sounds like a lovely city with lots to see and do. Sam is very excited not only is there a beach but also an aquarium but more importantly three Games Workshops!! We have promised him a visit to one of them but we are not spending our whole vacation playing warhammer 40K.

Other than pouring through guidebooks and doing 'schoolwork' things have been prety quiet here. There have been several field trips with our local home ed group and next week we have something almost everyday. Sam and I are both looking forward to the session with local author Chris D'Lacey- he writes fantastic children's books about dragons and we are both big fans.

We have finally tackled the backyard-where the dogs have destroyed the grass we have laid a bark chip path ending in a bark chip seating/play area. It looks really good and grass is starting to grow back in the bald patches which is great. Hopefully in a months time it will be sea of green rather than a sea of mud. Matt has also laid the floor in the utility room and it looks fantastic.

Matt is away for work this weekend so tomorrow sam and I are heading into town so he can play a little warhammer and I can indulge in a little retail therapy. Sunday we plan to tackle the playroom to make it less of a dumping ground and more of a space we can use.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys have fun in Barcelona, take lots of pictures for your blog. ENJOY